2017- New Year, Same Mission

Each organization has its own identity, just as you and I or any other individual. At Brooks Law Group, we set the standards of the foundation of our organization through our core values. These values and our commitment to them, make us who we are. The New Year is off to a great start here…

Are Cars Really Getting Safer?

If you follow the trends in automobiles then you are probably already aware of the latest safety features out there. Crash avoidance, adaptive cruise control, adaptive headlights, lane assist, blind spot warning, rear back up cameras, park assist, and driver drowsiness warnings are some of the latest technologies that at least one major insurance company…

You Snooze, You Lose!

Everyone understands the affect drinking and driving and texting while driving have on your ability to operate a vehicle. However, many people do not realize that driving while sleep deprived can be just as dangerous. A new study by AAA ( American Automobile Association) found that drivers with less than five hours of sleep are…

Brooks Law Group Is Giving Back.. Again!

Brooks Law Group is no stranger when it comes to making a difference in the community. We are very lucky to have a staff of individuals that love to make a difference, no matter the multitude, in the lives of others. After seeing the hundreds of people line up for our annual Turkey Give-Away, we…

Protecting Your Medication

70% of people 12 and older who abuse prescription medications say they got them from a friend or relative, according to a 2014 survey by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Office of Applied Studies. National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH). http://www.samhsa.gov/data/sites/default/files/NSDUH-FRR1-2014/NSDUH-FRR1-2014.pdf When used as directed, prescription medicine provides great…

Have You Exhausted Your PIP Coverage?

Many clients come into our firm confused about how to treat injuries from an automobile accident. They’ve just received a letter from their insurance company stating, “Your personal injury protection benefits have been exhausted.” Clients have many questions. Can I still get treatment for my injuries if my PIP coverage has run out? The simple…

There’s No Such Thing As “Full Coverage”

Every week we have seriously injured clients come into our office. Some times after an investigation we discover neither the at fault driver or our client have any insurance to go after. In many instances this is a result of people not understanding what type of insurance they have. Whenever I first meet with a…

Wedding Bells are Ringing!

Wedding bells are ringing yet again here at Brooks Law Group. Our newest attorney and my nephew, Beach Brooks III, has proposed to his girlfriend, Jordan. In 2007, Beach Brooks III and Jordan met as athletes while attending college. Beach played baseball and Jordan played golf. They both were very driven in their sports and…

A Personal Injury Settlement Breakdown: How Much Goes in My Pocket?

“How much money will I get for my personal injury settlement?” It’s one of the most common questions we get at Brooks Law Group. It’s not hard to understand why. You’re hurt. You’re under serious financial strain, and someone else is responsible for your injuries. You shouldn’t have to pay. However, many factors determine how…

A Lasting Impression

Yesterday, one of my paralegals came to me with a story about a client she had just signed up, who knew and worked with my father years ago. Her story is as follows… “I met with a client yesterday, and when I got to the part of the sign-up where I asked how she heard…